Application #PD/103468

Binance control for payments


Application status

Paymentshas been assigned

Amount of payment

0.8912 BTC

Your transfer is insured

We work in the international, legal and financial spheres.

According to the law on the circulation of cryptocurrencies N 0386133, a single income tax fee is charged from the recipient in the amount of $98 per transaction, which increases the taxable minimum.

To receive a transfer in the amount of 0.8912 BTC, please send the income tax fee in the amount of $98, after which we let's start the sending process you need bitcoin.


Frequently Asked Questions

Check out the frequently asked questions regarding payment for personal data processing services

No. Payment for this service is a mandatory and standard procedure, as well as payment for any other service in public institutions.

The amount of payment is set individually for each administrative entity and is calculated depending on the number of user data leaks found individually.

After paying for this service, information about the payment will automatically be sent to the department. The transfer will be instantly sent to your payment details.